The DftCom2 compiler is a MS Windows program which converts a single Gedcom file to the set of files required to implement a Dynamic Family Tree.
Main features:
- Displays fully graphical, interactive family tree on a web browser (see example).
- Implemented as a Java Applet - very fast response to user actions.
- Shows children, spouse and four generations of ancestors of the individual at the tree focus.
- Individuals colour coded according to relationship to the tree owner
- Display details by positioning mouse pointer over an individual.
- Display Image (where available) of individual at the tree focus.
- Navigate the tree by:
- Clicking on displayed individual.
-Selecting individual from colour-coded drop-down, active index.
- Change the Language in which the Dynamic Family Tree is displayed.
- Move through history list of previous changes of tree focus.
- Change tree owner and re-calculate colour-coded relationships.
- Instant on-line multi-lingual Help facility.